Most people who buy an advanced dSLR camera are disappointed with the results. Why? It comes from the factory in all the worst modes for a camera to be in! The manufacturers make one assumption about you, that you can’t handle the amazing technology that they just sold you. Come and unlock the creative potential of your investment.
Beyond the Photograph Spring Classes: Now that it is starting to get nice outside, consider getting your photography up to speed.
The Digital SLR Camera with Les Jorgensen
Class #1 – Tuesdays 6 – 8pm
10 sessions (+ 1 optional outing TBD)
May 10th – July 12th,
Price: $285
Class limited to 8 participants
Location: Les Jorgensen’s studio
956 West Road (PO Box 1081)
Manchester Village, VT 05254
For more info: