Les Jorgensen Workshops partnering with Okemo Resort are coming soon! Tentative dates are for July 13-15th and August 11-13th, 2012. There is also a planning-stage Fall Foliage workshop in the works. Come back to this page for updates.
These are going to be three day long photography workshops at Okemo Mountain Resort in Southern Vermont during summer splendor and peak fall-color seasons. Students will learn more about their digital cameras by making pictures with a professional photographer. Field excursions are augmented by studio sessions.
Les Jorgensen’s classes and workshops are for photographers who want to “up their game.” If you are you ready to unlock the potential of your camera, Les has instruction tailored to help you master the techniques and seize the language of photography.
Les Jorgensen is dedicated to helping students make better, more dynamic and meaningful pictures. His teaching approach encourages students to look beyond the pretty pictures and dig deeper, towards more meaningful photographs while, at the same time, understanding everything that is available on their digital camera.
Jorgensen will cover f-stops, shutter speeds, lenses, light and editing of pixels along the way, but the approach emphasizes the language of the image, the potential of composition, the storytelling ability of light and the cultural metaphors that we all share. He believes that every picture tells a story and that by understanding the language of camera and light, the student can unlock potential and self-esteem through the viewfinder.
Les Jorgensen has spent his life involved in the love of images, is a passionate working professional, and desires nothing more than to help others become storytellers with their cameras. Teaching classes and workshops is a continuation of his exploration of language and meaning in his own work, and his side-by-side involvement with students is both as mentor and fellow explorer.
Come join in.
What makes the workshops different?:
Approach: Our core belief is that photography is the perfect language for telling meaningful stories about the people, places and events of our lives. Our goal is to help participants harness this power through thorough technical understanding of their cameras and a deeper awareness of our collective memories and the symbols of our culture. We view photography as a circular process;from visualization to final print each step should be understood for its creative potential.
Locations: Manchester VT is one of the great mountain destinations of the Northeast- there is no end to the shooting locations. We encourage our students to shoot and shoot some more and really see the environment around them –suburban or rural.