Focus for High-School Students: Digital SLR Camera with Les Jorgensen
We are presently looking for high-school students who would be interested in advancing (or even starting) their photographic skills. All you need is your Digital SLR camera and a desire to learn.
We will cover all the basics with a final focus on publishing to social media,storytelling and other fun projects. Tips and trick to really impress your friends and family. Les will talk a lot about Photography and Photoshop in college and the professional arena.
If interested,please call 802-549-5016 or email him at
10 sessions
April –June
Class limited to 6 participants
Location:Les Jorgensen’s studio
956 West Road,Manchester Village 05254
Today’s digital single lens reflex cameras are technological marvels offering myriad features. Yet many dSLR owners find themselves frustrated by the results,and few ever take the cameras out of the full program automatic mode. Few owners ever unlock the creative potential of their investment. This workshop is designed to help participants take creative control of cameras and their photography,helping them make more dynamic and meaningful pictures.
Instructor Les Jorgensen will walk participants through the basic functions of their camera,simplifying it down to shutter,lens,f-stop and light meter. From that simplified state,participants will explore composition,lens choice,white balance,depth of field,time and motion,file formats and RAW file workflow,all in the service of crafting engaging and storytelling pictures. Participants will be introduced to the Beyond the Photograph idea that from initial vision to final expression the photographic act is a circular process,each step needs to be understood for its creative potential. The technical aspects of photography are in service of both the aesthetics and the meaning of the final print.
Demonstrations and shooting opportunities will take place at Les Jorgensen’s studio and around the picturesque landscape surrounding Manchester,VT.
This class is perfect for photographers of any level interested in getting more out of their dSLR camera. Enrollment is limited to 6 participants.